About Me

I'm a history teacher who has spent many years in classrooms
bringing my favorite stories, events, and real-life characters to life.
George Washington is my 'historical boyfriend' and I genuinely think
that Dolley Madison and I would have been good friends.
After a lifetime of taking photos, my camera feels like an extension of my arm at this point. Haha. My littles, family, and friends are all used to hearing "WAIT" while I lunge for my camera. I also sneak up on perfect moments to snap a photo before they catch me and change. Ha!
I love to read. Favorites include the Anne series, anything by Louisa May Alcott or Lauren Willig, historical fiction, light chick lit, YA literature,
and Harry Potter (duh). Once I fall in love with a book, I tend to re-read it...many times. Eventually, I lose count and the book falls apart.
I am an unabashed resident of Stars Hollow...I basically have the show memorized and reference it almost daily. I've always been a New Englander at heart, even preferring cold weather to summer in the South.
My love and me and our littles, three.

Blake and I met in college. He had a girlfriend and I was just "Bianchi"...one of the guys. Eventually, we had classes together and became real friends. Then best friends. The kind who fall asleep on the phone and share inside jokes. We have been married 15 years and counting. We still hold hands and wink any chance we get.
*our honeymoon in front of Harvard University bricks, March 2008

These three littles are our favorite people.
They crack us up, keep us on our toes, and make us so happy we get teary just talking about them. Sappy, but true. They are my constant inspiration and the "why" behind my lens.
Bubby (11), Sissy (9), and Sister (7)...pure magic.
* an all-time favorite photo, apple orchard, October 2018 *
...keep scrolling for an assortment of factoids and favorites...
#realtalk I tried to make a list of my favorite musicals and couldn't narrow it down to a reasonable number. Same with books. Blog post topics for another day. Haha.